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This phrase defines us. We are a colective of athletes, artists and cultural guides.

We firmly believe in the postitive benefits that physical activity has in ones life.  We love to adventure so much that we decided to share our passion for exploring the outdoors  with everyone!

With more than 5 years of experience organizing outdoor adventure expeditions in all of Colombia,  we decided to use extreme sports as a perfect form of theropy and Colombia the ideal location for making this dream a reality.

We know Colombia in a very personal way seeing that we are Colombians ourselves. Because of this, we are able to design an experience compleletly personaliyed to the needs of our clients.

We base out trip locations primarily on the notion that these place will allow you to explore yourself on a compleltey different level. These trips will put you in different situations taht  you may not be used to, pushing you  „outside of your comfort zone“ and thus allowing you to see your true capabilities while having tons of fun at the same time!

In this sense we look to fills our brains with memories that are worth remembering through the exploration of different places, moments and cultures while surpassing mental barriers and insecurities.

With that being said, our clients will find in the Chima e Parche team perfesionals that live and breath for the thrill of adventure, for the passion to discover new places, to fuel our imagination, and all of this in a really magical place : Colombia!


Contaco y reservas : +57 312 721 53 36                                  

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